Jacoby, A. (July 14, 2020*). Integrating Computational Thinking into an Elementary Classroom. Accepted to present at the Computer Science Teachers Association Annual conference in Washington, D.C. (*Presentation proposal accepted)
Jacoby, A. (March 11, 2020*). Integrating Computational Thinking into an Elementary Classroom. Accepted to present at the Greater Richmond Area Education Technology Consortium EdTechRVA conference in Richmond, VA. (*Presentation proposal accepted)
Jacoby, A. (November 1, 2019). Integrating Computational Thinking into an Elementary School Classroom: Lessons Learned. Presented at the Albemarle County Public Schools Making Connections Conference in Charlottesville, VA.
Jacoby, A.*, Miller, H.*, & Stoddart, L.* (August 18, 2017). DLI: Enhancing content with digital resources in elementary schools. Presented at the Albemarle County Public Schools Summer Professional Development Workshop in Charlottesville, VA. (*Equal contributions)
Jacoby, A.*, Miller, H.*, & Stoddart, L.* (July 17, 2017). DLI: Enhancing content with digital resources in elementary schools. Presented at the Albemarle County Public Schools Summer Professional Development Workshop in Charlottesville, VA. (*Equal contributions)
Glover, D.* & Jacoby, A.* (June 12, 2017). DLI: Podcasting across curriculum. Presented at the Albemarle County Public Schools Summer Professional Development Workshop in Charlottesville, VA. (*Equal contributions)
Foreman, J., Collier, N., Heffernan, J., & Jacoby, A. (June 28, 2017). School 4.0: Open technology creating a new educational paradigm. Presented at the International Society for Technology in Education Annual Conference in San Antonio, TX.
Ellis, R.* & Jacoby, A.* (December 5, 2016). Transforming district practice: Learning Technology Integrators reflect on their first year. Presented at the Virginia Society of Technology in Education Annual Conference in Virginia Beach, VA. (*Equal Contributions)
Jacoby, A. (December 5, 2016). Empowering student technicians with self-efficacy through 1:1 technology leadership. Presented at the Virginia Society for Technology in Education Annual Conference in Virginia Beach, VA.
Jacoby, A. (November 2, 2015). Getting to know your Windows 8.1 laptop. Presented at the Albemarle County Public Schools Making Connections Conference in Charlottesville, VA.
Ellis, R.*, Jacoby, A.*, Osborn, G.* (October 6, 2015). Technology Petting Zoo. Presented at the Virginia Military Institute STEM Education Conference in Lexington, VA. (*Equal contributions)
Jacoby, A.,* Melton, T.,* Ochs, L.* & Whitley, S. E.* (January 25, 2015) – Honor Code Survey – Examining the Reporting Process at the University of Virginia. Presented at the University of Virginia Honor Committee Meeting in Charlottesville, VA. (*Equal contributions)
Jacoby, A. & Minor, K. (March 14, 2014). Creating the ABCs with technology – A kindergarten technology integration project. Presented at the University of Mary Washington EdTech Conference in Stafford, VA.
Jacoby, A. & Johnson, M. (March 8, 2014). Printing Waves of Sound. Workshop at the MathScience Innovation Center’s Let’s Innovate Student Conference in Richmond, VA.
Bull, G., Jacoby, A., Sichler, C. & Bendjemil, S. (August 13, 2013). Build a Working Speaker: Learning Science Through Engineering Design. Presented at the meeting of the Challenger Center Annual Conference in Arlington, VA.
Jacoby, A. & Sichler, C. (August 5, 2013). Engaging With K-12 Teachers and Students: STEM Outreach That Works. Presented at the meeting of National Instruments NIWeek Academic Forum in Austin, TX.
Bull, G., Malcolm, P., Jacoby, A., & Jacoby, K. (June 22, 2013) Exploring Periodic Motion through Advanced Manufacturing Technologies. American Society for Engineering Education, Atlanta, GA.
Jacoby, A. (June 2, 2012) Integrating iPods into an Elementary Classroom. The University of Mary Washington, Stafford, VA.
Jacoby, A. (July 19, 2011) 60 iPad apps in 60 minutes. VSTE Mobile Learning Conference, Newport News, VA.
Jacoby, A. & Smith, M. (June 18, 2011) Integrating iPods into an Elementary Classroom. The University of Mary Washington, Stafford, VA.
Jacoby, A., Shoffner, M., George, M. & Graham Wright, J. (2015). Middle school ELA. In M. Hofer, L. Bell, & G. Bull (Eds.), Practitioner’s guide to technology, pedagogy, and content knowledge: Rich media cases of teacher knowledge. Waynesville, NC: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Technology